
Utku Bilgili
Founding / Creative Director / Kurucu
He studied at Saint Joseph French High School in Istanbul, he graduated from Mimar Sinan Faculty of Architecture in 1998.
After graduating from University. He worked in Ukraine and Russia between 2004-2013.
He has produced many projects in R&D buildings, industrial buildings, residential and commercial buildings.
He studied at Saint Joseph French High School in Istanbul, he graduated from Mimar Sinan Faculty of Architecture in 1998.
After graduating from University. He worked in Ukraine and Russia between 2004-2013.
He has produced many projects in R&D buildings, industrial buildings, residential and commercial buildings.
He studied at Saint Joseph French High School in Istanbul, he graduated from Mimar Sinan Faculty of Architecture in 1998.
After graduating from University. He worked in Ukraine and Russia between 2004-2013.
He has produced many projects in R&D buildings, industrial buildings, residential and commercial buildings.
İstanbul'da Saint Joseph Fransız Lisesi'nde okudu, 1998 yılında Mimar Sinan Mimarlık Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu.
Üniversiteden mezun olduktan sonra. 2004-2013 yılları arasında Ukrayna ve Rusya'da çalıştı.
Ar-Ge binaları, endüstriyel yapılar, konut ve ticari binalarla ilgili birçok proje üretmiştir.

Berkay Günay

Azad Çakmak
As Bilgili Mimarlık, we use 2 and 3 dimensional presentation techniques to ensure that the idea of the preliminary design can be understood in the fastest and most convenient way at the concept stage. We take care that engineering disciplines are included in the design process from the very beginning so that a viable main idea can emerge and be implemented without losing its essence.
In addition to our engineers who design structural design, electro-mechanical systems, the experience and expertise of our landscaping, lighting, interior graphics, routing and acoustics, fire consultants, green building and facade consultants teams are very important. We move on to the final preliminary project implementation project process, in a wayto check the time plan and budget data stipulated bythe employer.
BIM((Building lnformation Modeling)
Our office has been working with the BIM (Building lnformation Modeling) platform program, which is a contemporary design platform, since 2012. Working based on BIM enables us to coordinate and simultaneously control the design and construction activities, which are becoming increasingly complex and in fact a continuous process, at each step as a whole. BI M eliminates the conflicts that may occur in 2 and 3 dimensions and makes it easier for us to superposition the work of other project disciplines.
As a result, it enables us to anticipate the problems that may arise during the tender and implementation phase in advance at the project stage and to prevent time and budget waste byeliminating them to a large extent.